Tuesday, March 30, 2010


So i guess i am going to try to just write all my thoughts in this post in an attempt to organize my thought. So one point i am really trying to get across is how much the movie superbad affected teens actions. And this is one major point that comes to my mind: There was a t-shirt that said "I Am McLovin". Which is refering to the part of the movie where Fogle gets a fake ID and the name on the it reads "McLovin". This really makes me think because that part of the film is one of the least innapproprite parts. So if that had such a huge impact that it was printed on a t-shirt(that alot of kids wore) then what affect did the sexa dn drinking have? I thinks that its easy to say that this is just the type of entertainment of this new generation, and that it is just here to make people laugh not influence them. But these movies define teen life, and the goals of many teens today. So i guess one question i have is: If this new type of teen comedy movies never came out, what would our society be like today?

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